Saturday, December 22, 2012

Reasonable dose of worries is necessary !!!

Persons who are bought up the hard way are successful ones later in life. They develop a resistance to hardship of all sorts.

A child who has been accustomed to thinking everything will be done for him by parents and that pocket money is his birth right will become a ‘softie’. The day he starts earning his livelihood in a large town, he will find he lacks toughness and courage.

A child who is used to walk 4 kilometers every morning whether sun or rain will remember later that his early years had given him the health and tenacity when he grows old. That does not mean children should be treated harshly; it means that they should not be thought that life is a garden full of roses because that is not true.

Yes, there is a limit to difficulties that man can face but a reasonable dose of worries does no harm to anyone. On the contrary, let us not complain if we have a boss who is hard to please, a demanding wife or husband. Small quarrels, if not too frequent are beneficial. They wake us up and compel us to reconsider a situation.

So let us not fear obstacles. Let us face them. For human life is not a garden of roses nor is it a valley of sorrows; it is a sanctuary of work….

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