Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Just take a break...

Be aware of your purpose in life...

We all have been through that scary situation of having too much work to do in too little time. Heavy work load and extended hours drive us mad and all employers seem to want to squeeze the maximum out of their employees.

Occupational stress is a silent killer. Rising feeling of guilt, poor concentration, criticism and lack of breaks push an individual to the brink of depression. You can change it and make it a pleasure by adding a little humour into your daily life. It not only helps in reducing stress but also makes you more creative and diffuses tough situations. Exercise will also help in keeping you energetic.  Also, focus on things that are more important and reduce time spent on low priority tasks.

Any type of work can be made more fulfilling if it is done with simplicity and present moment awareness. You don’t have to go to anyone; it’s there within you; you just need to become aware of yourself and your purpose in life. You will be able to work with much more happiness and efficiency if you discover there’s a perspective bigger than your worries.

To avoid burnout take a break and get good sleep. Being regularly short of sleep can affect your concentration, energy levels and efficiency. You will be more prone to making mistakes and will become less proactive. You will be amazed by how sharp and energetic you will feel once your body gets enough rest. Taking up an enjoyable sport or hobby could help reduce stress.

Vacations are also important as it gives an opportunity to take your mind off work. Remember, stress is not a sign of weakness or incompetence; it is simply the body’s reminder that it needs some rest.

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