Thursday, December 13, 2012

Indian cricket- other side.

The revelations of Mohinder Amarnath does not come as a surprise as most of the Indians know that everything with the Indian cricket team and Indian cricket is not heading in the right direction. There has been rifts between players and the captain and also no cordial relations with the selectors and the BCCI. The down slide in the last few years has been the worst and the Indian fan is unable to digest the same. Even when the captain is losing test after test there is no action taken against him. Why ??? just because he is the captain of the CHENNAI SUPER KINGS owned by Srinivasan….

Lust for money and following the quota system in selection has put Indian cricket to shame of late. IPL is the main culprit for our side stooping down to such low levels. There is no talent available to play the longer version of the game and since there is huge money in the shorter version the focus has shifted there. We are able to get only slam bang players without any technique. With  little success, we push them to the longer version where they fail miserably. When will we again to see players like Gavaskar, Vishwanath, laxman, Dravid…. who were known for their technique.

To correct the current situation, the selection must be entrusted to ex cricketers who know the game. Politicians must not run cricket and the track record shows that they ruin cricket...There must be only 3 selectors , to put away the quota system. The decision of the selectors must be final and no one ( as srinivasan has as informed by amaranth) must be allowed to over rule it.

Drastic steps have to be taken immediately to put Indian cricket back on track. If decisions are going to hurt a few people, so be it, in the interest of Indian cricket. At present , the entire international cricketing fraternity must be laughing at the way cricket is managed in india…..

Time to set things right…..

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