Thursday, December 20, 2012

Light a candle than curse the darkness.

We do not feel tired when we are engaged in an action that is close to our heart. We feel the burden when we act against our wish. Attitude towards action determines the pain or pleasure.

We feel tired when we listen to complaints but get energized when we listen to compliments. We feel happy when we are in deep sleep. All that we know when we are in deep sleep is that we know nothing because we are beyond time and space. Ignorance and happiness co-exists during deep sleep. A child is a personification of ignorance, innocence and happiness. As we grow old we lose these noble qualities.

We have the free will to be happy but we choose to be unhappy. The key to happiness and unhappiness is with us. Some are always happy and some are never happy. The cause for our happiness and unhappiness is our ignorance. We feel that happiness lie in things and people. Happiness is our true nature. We develop the art of being unhappy as we grow old since we move away from that nature.

Seeking happiness outside is the surest source of finding unhappiness. We always curse others for our unhappiness but never thank others for our happiness. We seldom count our blessings but often count our problems. 

Cursing the darkness will never brighten the place. If everyone lights a lamp in front of his house, the whole world will be bright. Darkness and light are part and parcel of nature. We have to accept darkness and light a candle to dispel darkness instead of cursing.

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