Friday, December 14, 2012

Control your anger.

Remember the scene in the hindi movie…… rich girl falls in love with a poor boy. The boy meets the girls father. Father shouts and is very angry……..and the inevitable happens…….he suffers a heart attack. We have seen this in many films but it is also an excellent example of what stress coupled with anger can do to you.

These are the days where work and family related pressure is very high and if you do not control your anger you will be inviting trouble for yourself. Add the alphabet “D” to anger and it becomes “DANGER”. That is what you will face if you do not control your anger. Many people have rightly said that anger is a few minutes of madness.

The best way to avoid getting angry is not to react immediately to situations and always be relaxed. The little time you take will help you understand the problem better and provide/ think of better ways to react. If you still cannot come out of the situation try doing something different so that your thoughts are not focused on the problem. Watch tv, read a book or listen to music  to reduce/ forget your anger….

There is a saying that he who angers you, conquers you. If you have conquered anger , then you have won the battle.

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