Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Success in Life.

Success in Life.
How to get  success in life?” Is that the question which stuck into your mind or you think repeatedly what can be the possible ways or some kind of secret of success.

Don’t worry you are not the only one on this planet who has failed or find it difficult to become successful. This phase comes to everyone’s life when you find it difficult to become successful, it is very natural and the thing from which you don’t have to let yourself down.

In order to succeed, your desire for success should be great !!!

I know you would be thinking what can be the tips and suggestion I would give you on “how to get success in life”. Before that  let us first understand what is success?
What is success?
Many people think earning good amount of money, having lots of property , high end cars is success. No it is not correct. When you achieve something that you always dream of, that is success. A painter always wishes his/her life with canvas and colors, if it happens then that person is success.

Likewise to get success in life, first you have to understand what you want from life. Spend some time and think what exactly you want from life, where you want to take your life. Ask yourself what you want to be.

 Steps that will surely help you to get success in life.

Find Your Inner self:
First of all you have to find your inner self. Take some time to understand yourself, take some time to understand what are your strengths, in what work you are good at , what are the things which you can do to make yourself a success.
I believe that every person in this planet is meant for something and have some capabilities that make him/her different from others. So you have to find those qualities in you. Ask yourself not others how you can become successful and what you want to be.

Believe in Yourself:
When you are sure what you want to do in life after asking yourself, the next thing which you have to do is believe in yourself. Believe that you are going to make it, believe that whatever you thought for yourself one day that will happen, Believe that whatever you wanted in life, you will get it someday.
Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! If you don’t believe yourself, no one will ever….

You should be willing to  give your best effort in the work or thing in which you believe. You should be willing to take pain in whatsoever form it comes in. You should be willing to. Ask yourself that are you really willing to do what you have planned for ,Are you willing to take pains or handle whatever problem comes in. If really the answer is Yes then you can really make it big and nothing can stop you to become successful.

Consistency and Hard Work :
It is very important, you can never become successful without hard work. Finding your inner self and believing wont help you to become successful if you are not ready to work hard.
Striving for success without hard work will never make you successful.
Hard work is a voice of pain and victory. Hard work is very painful and time consuming , nothing can be achieved without pain, so don’t  hide yourself from hard work.
Now you are hardworking but you are inconsistent then don’t expect that you will be successful. Hard work and consistency should run parallel.

A man with patience achieves many things…..

Patience is the biggest thing you should have in you if you want to be successful in life. Many successful people say that patience is a key to success and it is really true. If you don’t have patience everything is waste.

Take Responsibility:
Since we have the power to choose our experience, we also need to accept responsibility for this. Perhaps not that everything that comes our way is a direct result of our own thinking (though some might say it is) but what we attract into our life is, largely, a reflection of our thinking. Much of this occurs on a subconscious level, but the subconscious takes its lead from the thinking mind, so changing our thoughts will change our world, and we are responsible for this.
Our behavior is a natural outcome of our mental images, and so we are responsible for our behavior too, and also for the behavior we tolerate in others. If we allow others to ride roughshod over us, then we have ourselves to blame.

 Be a Good Leader:
We cannot be effective in any area of life unless we have good leadership skills. Leadership is an art and each of us needs to find our own approach to it. Primarily, we need to understand how to lead ourselves, and this means having a compass, a direction which guides all our actions. This compass often takes the form of a personal mission statement, a document spelling out the values we live by.
As we lead others, whether as parents, bosses, in families or organizations of which we are a part, we need first and foremost to lead by example, making it clear what our values are and that we live by them. Any inconsistency in our professed values and our behavior will be spotted, seen through and will ruin our effectiveness. Personal complicity and double standards are the nails in the coffin of our ability to lead.

Don’t Let Fear Stop You:
Whenever we grow, there is fear. Whenever we do something new, there is fear. Whenever we push ourselves to new heights or expand our comfort zone, there is fear. This is the nature of life. Life is always moving – either we are moving forward, growing, or we are moving back, dying. We have a choice – we can either grow or we can die. Growth and fear go hand in hand. It’s part of a package, and if we fail to embrace the whole package, we will die.
Don’t fear failure – failure is inevitable and necessary. Look at the life of any successful person and you will see failure. This failure is the foundation of success, so long as we learn from it.
Don’t fear other people. They are as vulnerable and as beautiful as you are – only sometimes they lash out in various ways to protect themselves. Everyone is doing their best, so be gentle on other people and don’t be scared of them.
When you face your fears, they will vanish like smoke.
Never Stop Learning:
I have come to the conclusion that learning is the fundamental activity in a successful and purposeful life. If we fail to learn, we fail to grow, and this means that we die. Life gives us endless opportunities to learn, and the more difficult the situation, the more we are likely to learn.
We can learn from other people, especially difficult ones – they are like angels sent from heaven to teach us about ourselves. We can learn from the things happening around us. And most of all, we can learn by watching ourselves, seeing how we react and reflecting deeply on what moves us.
Few more points…
 Have a simple and unassuming manner of life:
Live not to eat, but eat to live:
 Bear no envy. Commit no slander. Speak no falsehood. Practice no deceit. Harbor no malice. You will be ever joyful, happy and peaceful.
Righteousness is the rule of life. Lead a virtuous life. Strictly adhere to Dharma. Human life is not human without virtues. Study the lives of saints and draw inspiration from them.
Cultivate a melting heart, the giving hand, the kindly speech, the life of service, equal vision, and impartial attitude. Your life will, indeed, be blessed.
Lead a regulated life. Take hold of each day as if it were the last day, and utilize every second in prayer, meditation and service. Let your life become a continuous sacrifice to God.
Live in the present. Forget the past.
Understand well the meaning of life, and then start the quest.
Life is thy greatest gift. Utilize every second profitably.
Success often comes to those who dare and act. It seldom comes to the timid.
These activities, if they can become habits, will lead to success in all areas of life. They are not a quick fix, but are the foundation of a life lived well.

Conclusion  - How to get success in life?
Success in life comes after a person undergoes pain…. No pain , No gain.
May you attain success in life!!!

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