Sunday, March 3, 2013

Job Stress.

Job Stress.
Stress, in general, is a physical, chemical or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension and may be a factor which cause diseases. One type of stress is job stress. With job stress, the stressors involved are work-related.
Causes of Job Stress
If you can figure out the cause of your job stress, then you can find a cure. Here are some possible causes:
·         Overwork: working late night, taking work home, not taking vacation, working on holidays.
·         Impending layoffs
·         Being in the wrong career
·         Conflict with boss or co-workers
Early Warning Signs
If you catch symptoms early, you have a better chance of fixing the problem so you don't end up with more chronic and serious problems. Here's what to look out for:
·         Job dissatisfaction
·         No proper Sleep
·         Short temper
·         Upset stomach
·         Headache
·         Disturbed relationships with family, friends & co-workers.
·         Low morale
·         Teeth grinding
·         Increased use of alcohol or drugs.

You'll need to be proactive if you want to cure your job stress. Here are some points that address the causes listed above:
·         If overwork is your problem, take a vacation, leave work on time as often as possible, and avoid taking work home.
·         If you're worried about layoffs, all you can do is make sure you're prepared, should that happen.
·         If you find that you made the wrong career choice, or your career is no longer fulfilling, it may be time for a change. Make your choices carefully.
·         If you are having conflicts with your boss or co-workers, try to work them out. Although it may be difficult to resolve personality differences, you can try to figure out a way to get along better.
·         If your stress is having a profound effect on your life, don't be afraid to get professional help.
Long-Term Problems
If left untreated, job stress can lead to some serious problems. They are:
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Musculoskeletal disorders
  • Psychological disorders

Wishing you a life without any stress.

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