Friday, January 4, 2013

Tips for good relations….

To better your relations with others, keep in mind the following points….

·       Speak gently to people. Be skillful in getting your ideas across.

·       Listen attentively and patiently.

·       Smile at people. There is power in a smile. What sunshine is to flowers, a smile is to humanity.

·       Call people by their name. The sweetest music to anyone’s ears is the sound of his / her own name.

·       Be genuinely interested in the other person and his / her problem.

·       Be generous with praise, reserved with flattery, cautious with criticism.

·       Respect others personality and individuality.

·       Be thoughtful of the opinions of others.

·       Be alert to give service. What counts in life is what we do for others. Human relations are caring and sharing.

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