Saturday, January 19, 2013

How to overcome problems in life….

How to overcome problems in life….

Coping successfully with the hardships, disappointments, troubles and tragedies of life is really the biggest problem for most people.

We talk of “taking the rough with the smooth”, yet there are many people who really seem to imagine that there ought to be no rough and who look at it bitterly when it comes. They act as though life owed to them to give success and happiness all the time. But this is incorrect.

There may be people who seem to get more than their fair share of it. But, trouble in some shape or form, at some time or other comes to all of us.
Remember that appearances can be misleading. Many people bear bravely a great burden which they manage successfully to hide and there are others with faces and tales of woe.

In working out our own personal philosophy of trouble, let us recognize that it is part of the very pattern of everybody’s life. None of us can escape. We are not alone or unfortunate in this respect.

Further, much as we may fight against the trials and troubles of life, they can play an important part in shaping our character and personality.
If we never experience trouble, how can we ever learn patience or courage or endurance? And if others never suffer, how can we develop sympathy, understanding and helpfulness for them ?

Troubles would seem to have not only an inescapable part but also a necessary part in our experience of life.

It is important to realize that while it is not within our power to determine what happens to us, it is in our power to determine how we will react to what happens to us.

Having formulated our outlook on the troubles which are liable to face us, we can then adopt practical steps which will help us in dealing with the situations as they arise. React to the problems with the will rather than emotion. This does not mean that emotion is to be avoided altogether. We will not be human if we do not experience feelings of sorrow or anxiety or fear. These are a part of the human set up. An unemotional person is often a very cold and unsympathetic one.

We must learn to keep our emotions under control.  We must not over react to situations. If we react, we would be prone to taking hasty decisions which would prove otherwise in the long run. Where decisions can be postponed, it is good to do so until calm and more rational view can be taken. Never take any decision when you are angry.

Instead of brooding over problems, think of practical ways to resolve them however small they may be. Being optimistic will save you from going to pieces when faced with testing times in life.

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