Monday, January 28, 2013

How to make life of Value…

How to make life of Value…

In an age of affluence many people when they meet obstacles give up and take the course of least resistance. They refuse to stand up and face the problems eye to eye.

Little do they realize that sometimes the things that they rebel the most in life and look upon as obstacles are what they need most to develop their highest usefulness and efficiency.

If a diamond could talk, it would undoubtedly express resentment against the abrasive, grinding contact of the jeweller’s wheel that grinds and polishes its facets. Yet without the jeweller’s grinding wheel, the diamond has little value. There is no other way of making a diamond except grinding and polishing.

In the same way, human life must be subjected to difficulties, adversities and discipline to bring out those qualities that will make life of value to the owner.

Remember : Difficulties in life are intended to make you BETTER , not BITTER.

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