Thursday, January 17, 2013

Taxes in India…..

Taxes in India…..

·        If you have salary income, you pay income tax.

·        If you are availing services, you pay services tax

·        If you go to a movie, you pay entertainment tax

·        If you are a trader, you pay VAT or Turnover tax

·        If you are manufacturing, you have pay excise duty

·        If you are importing, you have to pay customs duty

·        If you have accumulated wealth, you have to pay wealth tax

·        If you receive a gift, you have to pay income tax

·        If you win a lottery, you have to pay income tax

·        If you trade in shares, you have to pay securities tax

·        If you want to fight any matter in court, you have to pay court fees

·        If you want to go abroad, you have to pay Visa charges

·        If you grow crops, you have to pay land revenue tax.

·        If you want to sell your agricultural produce through APMC, you have to pay APMC tax

·        If you want to do mining, you have to pay royalty

·        If you buy specific commodities, you have to pay purchase tax

·        If you want to construct a building, you have to pay local municipal taxes

The list goes on…..but the best part is , even after so many taxes , most of the Indians have found out ways and means to avoid paying taxes and have outsmarted many…..GREAT INDIANS !!!

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