Friday, January 18, 2013

India is getting united again….

India is getting united again….

After independence, we are now seeing once again a stronger united India. And that is good news. The developments in the last few months and how the nation has stood behind issues and possible solutions is an example that the nation is coming as one.

It all started with the anti corruption campaign which was led by Anna Hazare , Kejriwal and others. The entire country stood behind these people in the fight against corruption. The movement bought people from all walks of life on a single platform. The noticeable change was the coming of India’s youth in the struggle which was not the case in the past.

The second incident which bought the nation together was the Delhi gang rape case. The entire nation spoke one language of putting an end to the atrocities against women in our country. We can now expect fast track courts, stricter punishment, and more safety measures being taken to ensure more safety for women in India.

The third incident which bought the nation together was the beheading of our soldiers by Pakistan. There was a huge outcry against Pakistan and the way it was inducing terror on India. Seeing the entire nation voicing their concerns basis the facts, Pakistan has mellowed down at the LOC and has called for talks.

The three incidents highlight that no one can take India for granted, be it internal or external.

The government has to work for the people, the wrong doers will be punished by law & no country dare create any problem for us……….for they have to face a united India.

The dream of seeing a corrupt free nation, with respect to every Indian is not very far for this peace loving nation.


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