Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The value of time.

Time : every second is precious.

There is a saying that if you lose wealth you can earn it back by hard work. If you lose health you can gain it back through medicines and rest. If you lose knowledge you can regain it by studying again….. but if you lose time , it is gone forever. Hence it is very important to utilize time the best possible way.

We live in a world where distractions are plenty and obviously we tend to lose precious time that can never be retrieved. Also, we have mastered the art of wasting time in many unproductive activities or talks without realizing that time not used is time abused.

All successful people have acknowledged the value of time and employing it well. Everyone has got 24 hours a day and how you use it depends upon you. You use it to your advantage or lose it. Time is free, but is priceless. You can’t own it , but you can use it. You can’t keep it but you can spend it. Once you lose it , you lose it forever.


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