Tuesday, February 12, 2013

success in sales!!!

success in sales!!!.
With years of experience in sales in various sectors- consumer durables, FMCG, Telecom…. I have managed to put in a few points which would be of immense help in your careers. Points are not in serial and you may choose to read even from bottom to top or even from the middle.

·       If you try you might. If you don’t, you won’t.

·       Proper planning helps in better performance.

·       Success at the cost of your health is a failure.

·       Never expect your customers to tell you that they are not satisfied with your level of service.

·       A plan is no good if it does not result in increased business and revenue.

·       Always participate in discussions in meetings.

·       Knowledge is useless if you do not apply it.

·       Be on time every time. Remember everyone’s time is important.

·       If you are too comfortable on the job, there is something wrong and something bad is in store.

·       Be consistent with what you say and do.

·       Under promise but over perform.

·       It’s a mistake to feel that the customer is fortunate to do business with the company.

·       If your boss is shouting on your under performance, do not take it personal. Remember he is attacking an issue and not you as an individual. Try to improve your performance and do not get upset.

·       If you try short cuts, it will cut short you.

·       Effort will never go waste. Also, there is no alternative to effort.

·       Congratulate your staff for any good work done.

·       Do not smoke in front of customers/ partners.

·       Always keep your surroundings clean. Ensure your table is neat without any papers lying on it.

·       Spend 10 minutes in the morning everyday and list out the things that need to be done. Review at end of the day.

·       Don’t let your EGO get the better of you.

·       It’s not the big things that you do to your customers that matters. It’s the small things that matter most.

·       Ensure all the important phone numbers are stored in your mobile.

·       Be aware of the amount of time you spend. Important tasks need more time.

·       Be well dressed and do not support long hair. Ensure your shoes are polished.

·       Spend more time with customers who have got the ability to purchase your products and services.

·       Do not forget the one’s below you on your way up. When you come down, you have to face them.

·       When out of office, please call someone to find out what’s happening once in 3 hours.

·       Seek guidance when ever required. Do not hesitate.

·       Utilize all the resources available at your disposal.

·       Think before you respond to any critical issue.

·       Be loyal and ethical in your dealings.

·       Work hard and smart.

·       Always try new ways of doing business.

·       Wish your colleagues and partners on birthdays & anniversaries.

·       Know the product and service you are selling. You will be shocked, many do not know.

·       Always keep an eye on what competition is doing. It will help you alter your strategy for your benefit.

·       Do not enter into arguments with customers / partners. Take their feedback and share the concerns with the management.

·       Have some urgency in doing things.

·       Do not take your customers for granted. The day you take them for granted, you start losing them.

·       You have to motivate yourself.

·       All play and no work will not work.

·       Always check whether you are adding value to the customer.

·       Every day is your day. You decide whether you are going to make it good or bad.

·       You got to know from where the additional business is going to come. It just won’t come easy.

·       Always develop good habits. Copy habits of winners.

·       Remember customers will buy from you if they like you. They will go elsewhere if they do not like you.

·       Don’t relax after a big sale. Plan for another.

·       Meet at least five new people every week.

·       Always separate personal and business relationship. Don’t ever mix them up.

·       Regularly improve your skills.

·       Introspect yourself whether you are an asset or liability to the organization. Never be the latter.

·       If you always want to sell cheap, then you are not a professional sales person.

·       If you want to develop rapport, you have to be face to face. You cannot build rapport over the phone.

·       Be good / nice to secretaries.

·       Do you make things happen or react to them?  Be the former.

·       Be yourself. You can’t fool everyone.

·       Always meet the top man and then go downwards rather than meeting the bottom guy. You will be stuck if you start from the bottom.

·       Do not crack jokes which hurt people.

·       Ignore people who drop in unexpectedly. They will be wasting your precious time.

·       Sell your customers what they want, not what you think they require.

·       Do not allow your partner to pay for the food bills. Carry enough cash always. Some hotels do not accept credit cards. Do not fall into an embarrassing situation asking the partner to pay for the bills.

·       Start early and work late.

·       Monday mornings and Friday evenings must be hard working and not hardly working. Most of the competition guys are in the holiday (weekend) hangover.

·       Spend few hours in a day visiting customers / partners.

·       Believe in yourself, your company and its products.

·       Always take feedback from customers / partners. You will get good insights.

·       Be angry at yourself as you are to others.

·       The best time to meet customers is early morning.

·       If you are doing the same thing like last year, you are not growing.

·       Be ready for change.

·       Always say SORRY for any wrong done unintentionally.

·       Physically and mentally be present in meetings.

·       Focus on your job, not others.

·       Write down important points. Don’t rely on your memory.

·       Don’t talk bad about your customers / partners.

·       Do not relate efforts with results. Both are different.

·       Do not give reasons. People are only interested in results.

·       Speak only when required and be to the point.

·       Know how your product is different from competition.

·       When you lose, don’t lose the lesson. Be concerned, but never feel defeated.

·       Don’t tell the customers how good you are. Show them.

·       Celebrate success.

·       Always sport a smile on your face. You will project yourself as a positive person.

·       Don’t waste your energy in gossiping.

·       Always aim for the sky. You will be amazed at the potential you possess.

·       Always follow the leader, not the follower.

·       To avoid delays, always set your watch five minutes ahead. You will be on time and avoid stressful situations.

·       Always call back if you have told the person you will call back. If possible call him within an hour.

·       Read all correspondence / mails.

·       Stress more on sales rather than marketing. Sales bring profits.

·       Don’t waste time on classroom training. Be practical.

·       Spend time providing customer service than speaking about it.

·       Don’t give up under any circumstances. You may be very near to success..

·       Think fast. Move faster.

·       Believe in team work. You cannot go about it solo.

·       At parties, do not consume more liquor. Your credibility could be lost in one day.

·       Keep trying till the last minute of the day.

·       When you are feeling low, try making more calls to customers. You will be surprised with the results.

·       Spend some time alone on thinking how to improve.

·       Ensure you have sufficient rest.

·       Ensure your business comes from various partners rather than one big guy.

·       A customer will form an opinion in the first 5 minutes of meeting you.

·       Always strive to make your company number 1.

·       To maintain health, exercise regularly. Exercise or excess size – the choice is yours.

·       Always be willing to learn.

·       Do not give reasons why it cannot be done. Give reasons how it will be done.

·       Spend quality time with your family members.

·       Go on an annual vacation once a year with your family.


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