Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Purchasing a flat – read this.

Purchasing a flat – read this.

1.     Identify the property. Visualize the flat after keeping the furniture.

2.     Get a commitment regards the date when the seller would be giving the possession of the flat

3.     Make it a point to inspect the original agreement, original share certificate, last bill and receipt.

4.     Always take an affidavit from the vendor that he is holding the said flat in his personal capacity and not as a nominee.

5.     Talk to your would be neighbors

6.     Do not hesitate to ask questions even though it may not be liked by the prospective vendor.

7.     Has clear cut idea as regards the carpet area of the flat

8.     Have clear idea about hidden expenses as regards brokerage , society charges ,parking charges etc

9.     Ask specific questions eg: what all items of furniture will be taken by him and what will be left by him . Mention the same in a letter exchanged between the parties.

10.                        Negotiation is an art . do not show interest on your face while negotiating.

11.                        Meet the society office bearers and ask them the transfer charges payable.

12.                        Have a clear idea regards right in parking space

13.                        Make it clear that all past liabilities would have to be borne and paid by the seller.

14.                        Take search of the property issue public notice through your lawyer.

15.                        Always ensure that the agreement contains the history of the earlier purchasers of the property.

16.                        Do insist for a receipt for the amount paid

17.                        Even if you do not need finance do take a negligible bank loan.

18.                        Please check the stamp duty payabl

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