Friday, November 30, 2012

Cell phone manners.....

New technology has created a whole new set of etiquette requirements. For better or worse, mobile phones are a big part in todays modern world. This gadget is definitely for the better . If you are in an emergency, mobile phone can be a life saver.

Many articles have appeared in newspapers or magazines regarding the use and misuse of mobile phones. Today mobile phones are used by everyone in society….big or small, urban or rural.

 However nothing about a mobile phone excuses the user from good telephone manners. Although most people don’t mean to be rude many get into a sort of a bubble while talking over the phone.. They are unaware or unconscious, unconcerned and seem to forget the people around them. Many times we come across people talking non  stop and loudly in buses , trains and other public places creating a nuisance around. Sometimes the conversation will leak out secret information also to the people listening which can be dangerous.

Also, you would have experienced while watching a movie and during the climax scene a person some 2 rows ahead of you starts speaking on his cell phone. Its such a irritation. You just cannot enjoy the movie. There are numerous examples you would have experienced yourself….

To have good cell phone manners we need to follow certain basic etiquette’s….
If you have to pick the call when in public, speak with a very low tone so that no one is disturbed. Best if the call is picked up and the matter is not urgent, tell you will call back.
Message to the caller that you will call back and cannot take his call now..
Never pick a call when you are in a silent zone (hospital, libraries…) and always keep the mobile in vibrate mode only.
There were no mobile phones in the past and still people communicated effectively. If we do not speak in public and call later the world will not end. It is just some common sense required that will plague this problem. .......

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