Saturday, November 24, 2012

How to control your mind....

  • Mind can be controlled by constant effort to fix it on GOD.
  • Sit alone and watch the mind and its movements.
  • Be indifferent and unattached. Remain a witness. Do not identify yourself with the thoughts.
  • Do not think of the past. Do not plan for the future. Just live the present.
  • Read spiritual books. Do meditate regularly.
  • Participate in religious activity
  • Do help a person who is in need or is suffering.
  • Make the mind inward.
  • Food influences the mind. take fruits , vegetables and nuts regularly.
  • Practice moderation in diet.
  • Selfless service with a feeling of unity with everyone is highly effective in purifying the mind. Do not struggle with the mind.
  • Be regular in whatever you do....

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