Thursday, November 29, 2012

Harbhajan Singh & Monty Panesar.....

The Mumbai test has been a contrast for the 2 sardars…. Monty panesar and Harbhajan singh.

Both made a comeback and put in their best effort. However Monty won the battle with his superlative bowling helping England score a easy win over india. The difference between them was how they approached the test match. While monty was his usual self, harbhajan was tensed and a good performance was always on his mind  which made him falter in line and length.

The third test is a big opportunity for harbhajan who will again get a turner as requested by Dhoni. One good test match will make all the difference. Harbhajan is a fighter and the Calcutta test match must see him spin India to victory.

If the batsmen put enough runs on the board, spinners will deliver. Time for harbhajan to come back to the party.

All the best Harbhajan……….you are much better than monty……show your class at the eden gardens.

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