Thursday, April 18, 2013

Let go your Ego…...

Let go your Ego…...

Many of us have ego problem without even realizing it, thereby causing harm to others and to self.
Check the following…..

·      You never accept your faults.
·      You don’t want your best friend to be others best friend.
·      You don’t have best friends.
·      You feel jealous.
·      You raise your voice during arguments.
·      You don’t want others to interrupt when you speak.
·      You underestimate others knowingly or unknowingly.
·      You are angry on someone and you don’t let that person know about it.
·      If somebody scolds you, you get rude to your family members.
·      You blame others for your faults.
·      You don’t compromise.

If any 5 matches your character, you’ve got EGO.

Try to avoid it.

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